Tag Archives: cheekie

Sisterhood of the Blogging Scarves…


Naturally Alise Scarf Scarves

It is me! All ready for Autumn. I like to say Autumn instead of Fall because it sounds fancier. Go on ahead and judge, I don't care.

Yes, the title is corny.  Sue me.  I am not a fasionista by any means.  However, I am an accesory lover.  Everthing from purses, belts, boots, scarves, to jewelry makes my life happy and wakens up my pretty boring outfits.  My favorite thing as of late is scarves and you know how I obsess about things.   Scarves aren’t just for keeping warm anymore.  They can be neck, shoulder, or hair accessories.  The more creative the use the better.  I asked my closest blogger friends to send me pictures of themselves in some of their scarves.  Check these gorgeous gals (and their blogs) out!


Nakia scarf scarves

Sunny gorgeous scarfs like Nakia's adds a pop of color to any outfit!


This is my frenemy Nakia;  She is the author of the fabulous personal  blog “Naked and Natural”  Isn’t she so pretty? (Don’t tell her I said that, I’ll never hear the end of it)


Luvvie scarf scarves

Luvvie's scarf puts the perfect finishing touch for a polished well put together look!


When asked for her scarf look, Luvvie said the following:

Wells you know I’m a HUGE scarf fiend. My neck don’t be without one in these winter months.

Nuff said!  Luvvie is one of my favorite people in real life and online, check out one of her plethora of blogs & projects:

Randomness – AwesomelyLuvvie.com
Design/Portfolio – Aweluv.org
DumbestTweets – DumbestTweets.com


Cashawn PBG scarf scarves

This scarf elevates PBG's already sassy look! (WERK!)

Cashawn, aka The PBG, is my big sister in my head and a truly fantastic friend and blogger.  This Naturalista and Baby Whisperer extraordinaire wrtes the blog Dirty Pretty Thangs.  On Twitter she is @ThePBG!


Brandeyn beencee scarf scarves

Even my Cali homie Bee is all about a wonderful scarf! Cah-yute!

Brandelyn is a very close and dear friend of mine.  She is a published author, her latest book Dreams Are Not Concerned is available along with 3 other offerings at BarnesAndNoble.com. (Also available on Kindle and Nook).  Her website and blog is located at BeeNCee.com.


Lauren livelovelibra  scarf scarves

A simple classic winter scarf gets the job done of adding a little style to your life! Hey Lauren, Hey!

Lauren is a new buddy of mine  from my D.C. crew who is a silly, fun, lunatic person.  She has an awesome blog called Life of A Libra!


Cheekie scarf scarves

A cool scarf can even make a t-shirt AND Cheekie look cute. Scarves make you look like you tried much harder than you really did!

Last and least (tee hee, I kid, I kid)  is my partner in GChat crime, Cheekie.  She is the author of the blog Pinch My Cheekie.  Here was what she wrote when she sent in her picture:

I just took a pic (or 15) of myself in my new favorite scarf. It’s an inifinity scarf I got from H&M recently and I love it! Also, I love the concept of infinity scarves because I love infinity. My favorite number is 8 (infinite swag digit), I love the phrase “To infinity and beyond” (Pixar standom showing), and I also love “The Circle of Life” (from the ultimate Disney movie, The Lion Kang) which never ends. I’m also rockin’ my Red Pump Project tee in this pic. *coughHeyLuvviecough*

Purses, Belts, Boots, Scarves and Bling – How can you bring your look to life with accessories?

See my answer here.

Also enter to win:  

Life Well Lived Moments Sweepstakes 3: Share A Moment and Enter to Win $250


By the way,  how do you think my homies look in their scarves?

Gumby? Do. Not. Want.

I am not a fan of  Claymation.  Why am I talking about this?  Well, I am gonna tell you in a minte.  This is a blog you know, be patient.  *Clears throat*  Anyway, Google’s doodle for today was this scariness below:


google gumby doodle claymation

creepy Claymation. Also, don't judge my plethora of tabs, you don't know my life!!!


Yes, the horror!!!  And this Cheekie chick that I sometimes converse with against my will says:


[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/pinchmycheekie/status/124122884208721920″]


And then me in all my all knowingness and wisdom say:


[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/NaturallyAlise/status/124124472004452352″]


Then after some more characteristic slander by Cheekie we take it this far. She is such a habitual line-stepper.


[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/NaturallyAlise/status/124133649582006273″]


Yeah, she always takes stuff way too far.  I hate her.  Anyway, I actually don’t know why Claymation creeps me out.  I think it may be the choppiness of the movements.  I think the disjointedness will magically pop out the screen and attack my unborn children.  This makes sense in my mind.   I also do not like the texture of clay, the way it feels and looks.  Just one of those strange aversions.  *shruglife*  But just when I thought the Gumby/Claymation madness was over, here comes my “friend” Bee with some mess

Bee: Why am i over here watching old Gumby episodes
Alise: I don’t effs with Gumby
Bee: …..Well,  its been very nice knowing you: http://youtu.be/AhczFRlBT2E
Alise: is that Claymation you are sending me?
Bee: *whistles*
Alise: not clicking shit
Alise: *whistles*
Bee:touche my friend, touche
Alise: i clicked it, you happy?


this is the link she sent.  Rude.


I think Gumby weirds me out the most, but there are other Claymation figures that disturb me.  Of course I will share:

california raisins

I don't even like real raisins. Claymation raisins??? From California like Bee??? Do. not.want.


claymation christmas special

I never cared for the Christmas Claymation crap. (oooh alliteration!) Bah Humbug!


You know I report the hard hitting issues.How do you feel about Claymation?

art school, seems legit…

So Belinda Cheekie Jenkins sends me this picture:

art class reject instructions

very thorough.

Alise: LOL!!!

pinchmycheekie: best art class evah

Alise: seems legit

pinchmycheekie: accredited

Alise: remember those stamp pads that smelled all fruity?

pinchmycheekie: mmhmm!

Alise: like of a smiley face, stars and sh*t
that’s what they stamp your ‘ploma with

pinchmycheekie:___________  (editor’s note: that is Belinda flatlining because she laughed so hard that her feeble ass died)
in fact, i used to hate those “teach you how to draw” ads in newspapers, but with that picture my hate is gone
and i hated them because i kept trying to draw the fish or clown or whatever sample picture they told you to draw that determined whether you got in the faux school or not


draw me art school

Draw these and you can enter their hallowed halls....

Alise: Sometimes it was a lttle turtle character

pinchmycheekie: yeah!
lookin like the comcast slowsys
which didn’t exist then
but still
point of reference

Alise: I low-key wanted to be in that school

pinchmycheekie: me too!!

but i couldn’t get it right

Alise: dreams of a defferred nature. no Langston.

pinchmycheekie: i tried so hard
*sits in armchair*

Alise: we are a motley pitiful crew



Support the arts y’all.


Been around the world, kinda…

Just a lil conversation with me and Belinda Ratchetisha Cheeks, aka Cheekie (wondering where the name came from read this —> MY NAME IS MY NAME), because I am too lazy to write a real post, but I wanted to post something, lol.  I am such an underachiever, yet worldly.  Enjoy:

world physical map

Been around the world and I-yi-yi-yi I can't find my baby... not that I was looking for him though.

Cheekie: i been a traveling heffa this year lol
me: you really have!
  gallivanting ass
  i wish i could put that on my passport
 me: you could technically, lol
  foolery stamp
Cheekie: guess i’m making up for never traveling in my younger years. yes way back in my 20-something years. _
 me: i travelled my butt off in my 20s
  i done been all over this great country
  not out of it doe 🙁
 Viva Nepal! not.
 Cheekie: YES. i still wanna see so much of this country. wanna go to the wesside.
  crip walks over there
  that would take 5 months. like i actually crip walked there
 me: I used to think everything was mad close together bc growing up I had a world map as wallpaper in my bedroom, so my scale was a little off
 Cheekie: lmfao
 me: My mama wanted me to have bamma ass butterflies and sh*t, I chose the world map
 Cheekie: didn’t have no “not to scale” disclaimer,huh
Happy Tuesday!

Negative Nancy and Dumb Cheekie

Two Face Batman Beyond

I am multi-layered, say something about it!


Maybe I am Negative Nancy this week because I am seriosuly irritated with everything.  Today I am frustrated with a certain aspect of social media, particularly Twitter.  I am sick of people thinking you can only be one way.  Folks in these streets like “Eff a complex being!”  They have signs and everything, not really, but they #minuswell.   For example, today folks were talking about the alleged false separation story  of Will and Jada Smith, and were getting bashed about that because they weren’t talking abut Libya and other major news stories.  My immediate reaction:


[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/NaturallyAlise/status/106043964997648384″]


So let me get this right, if I talk about gossip or doing hoodrat stuff with my friends I don’t care about the world.  Also, we can only talk about frivolous things that you deem acceptable.  Oh.

camron side eye gif



To other things let me tell you about this low IQ pal of mine named Cheekie, peep this conversation:

Cheekie: i’m done wif you

me: lies

roll the tube

stop being wasteful

Cheekie: i tell some semblance of the troof

me: if that helps you sleep at night

it that is what keeps your Circadian rhythms on beat

Cheekie: THOSE annoying things, and those mutant cicadas don’t know how to fly. brand new stranger bishes.

i wish i had a blog when they came here

me: aint nobody say nothing bout no cicadas

Cheekie: oh you said CIRcadian


puts deep-rooted issues in backburner

me: LMAO!!!!  but i do share your disdain -_-


[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/NaturallyAlise/status/105843224140189697″]


  Thanks for bearing with this schizophrenic post. No DSM IV.