Tag Archives: luvvie

Sisterhood of the Blogging Scarves…


Naturally Alise Scarf Scarves

It is me! All ready for Autumn. I like to say Autumn instead of Fall because it sounds fancier. Go on ahead and judge, I don't care.

Yes, the title is corny.  Sue me.  I am not a fasionista by any means.  However, I am an accesory lover.  Everthing from purses, belts, boots, scarves, to jewelry makes my life happy and wakens up my pretty boring outfits.  My favorite thing as of late is scarves and you know how I obsess about things.   Scarves aren’t just for keeping warm anymore.  They can be neck, shoulder, or hair accessories.  The more creative the use the better.  I asked my closest blogger friends to send me pictures of themselves in some of their scarves.  Check these gorgeous gals (and their blogs) out!


Nakia scarf scarves

Sunny gorgeous scarfs like Nakia's adds a pop of color to any outfit!


This is my frenemy Nakia;  She is the author of the fabulous personal  blog “Naked and Natural”  Isn’t she so pretty? (Don’t tell her I said that, I’ll never hear the end of it)


Luvvie scarf scarves

Luvvie's scarf puts the perfect finishing touch for a polished well put together look!


When asked for her scarf look, Luvvie said the following:

Wells you know I’m a HUGE scarf fiend. My neck don’t be without one in these winter months.

Nuff said!  Luvvie is one of my favorite people in real life and online, check out one of her plethora of blogs & projects:

Randomness – AwesomelyLuvvie.com
Design/Portfolio – Aweluv.org
DumbestTweets – DumbestTweets.com


Cashawn PBG scarf scarves

This scarf elevates PBG's already sassy look! (WERK!)

Cashawn, aka The PBG, is my big sister in my head and a truly fantastic friend and blogger.  This Naturalista and Baby Whisperer extraordinaire wrtes the blog Dirty Pretty Thangs.  On Twitter she is @ThePBG!


Brandeyn beencee scarf scarves

Even my Cali homie Bee is all about a wonderful scarf! Cah-yute!

Brandelyn is a very close and dear friend of mine.  She is a published author, her latest book Dreams Are Not Concerned is available along with 3 other offerings at BarnesAndNoble.com. (Also available on Kindle and Nook).  Her website and blog is located at BeeNCee.com.


Lauren livelovelibra  scarf scarves

A simple classic winter scarf gets the job done of adding a little style to your life! Hey Lauren, Hey!

Lauren is a new buddy of mine  from my D.C. crew who is a silly, fun, lunatic person.  She has an awesome blog called Life of A Libra!


Cheekie scarf scarves

A cool scarf can even make a t-shirt AND Cheekie look cute. Scarves make you look like you tried much harder than you really did!

Last and least (tee hee, I kid, I kid)  is my partner in GChat crime, Cheekie.  She is the author of the blog Pinch My Cheekie.  Here was what she wrote when she sent in her picture:

I just took a pic (or 15) of myself in my new favorite scarf. It’s an inifinity scarf I got from H&M recently and I love it! Also, I love the concept of infinity scarves because I love infinity. My favorite number is 8 (infinite swag digit), I love the phrase “To infinity and beyond” (Pixar standom showing), and I also love “The Circle of Life” (from the ultimate Disney movie, The Lion Kang) which never ends. I’m also rockin’ my Red Pump Project tee in this pic. *coughHeyLuvviecough*

Purses, Belts, Boots, Scarves and Bling – How can you bring your look to life with accessories?

See my answer here.

Also enter to win:  

Life Well Lived Moments Sweepstakes 3: Share A Moment and Enter to Win $250


By the way,  how do you think my homies look in their scarves?

All Words EVERYTHING!: doppelganger

I haven’t done a word of the day in a while and I know you all are deeply saddened and distraught; I know I would be. So your geeky fantasy (me) is here to bring you multiple nerdgasms and pleasurable things to that effect. I am aware of my “extraness,” it is part of my charm… or lack thereof. I digress. Not familiar with the Word of the Day challenge? Well, it is very easy. We will all make a sentence and/or haiku out of the word of the day. PLEASE feel free to be silly and ridiculous, but you don’t have to be. I like doing word of the day because it is a fun way to expand your vocabulary and sometimes your foolishness. I endorse both. Have fun! Today’s word is:

doppelganger –noun

  1. A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts such a person.
  2. An evil twin.
  3. A remarkably similar double.
  4. A person who has the same name as another.
  5. A fantastic monster that takes the forms of people, usually after killing them.
pigpen jim jones

Pigpen & Jim Jones: doppelgangers


I feel like my homies Luvvie and Cheekie are my spiritual doppelgangers when it comes to foolishness and nonsensical randomness.   You’re welcome.


Dumbest Tweets… Literally: Part 2

(Shouts to @LuvvieIg)

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/pinchmycheekie/status/62954883061518336″]

As you may well know, I am quite a Twitter addict. It brings me joy to interact with some of the funniest and most intelligent folks on the Internet, ummmmm, however, just like the real world, ignorance rears its ugly head. You just can’t escape it. My dear friend Luvvie chronicles these dumb tweets on her Tumblr blog, “Dumbest. Tweets. Ever.” She features the purely rude butchering of my beloved English language. One of her regular posts on this blog is an overview of all the butchered idioms and phrases. I thought it would be lovely to show my literal interpretation via Photoshop of some of these. Enjoy and make sure to visit the “Dumbest. Tweets. Ever.” blog early and often! LEGGO (my Eggo)!  Welcome to Part 2!

Someone tweeted this: #FlamingYoungs in a lame attempt at spelling “Filet Mignon,” I can’t make this stuff up.  No really, I can’t.

#flamingyoungs dumbest tweets

These children sure love their fire!


The next ignorance is #DefenseMagnesium posing as “Defense Mechanism.”  This makes me sad.

defense magnesium #defensemagnesium dumbest tweets

The periodic table will defend itself at all costs!

Last, and possibly least is the infamous #AtomsApple impersonating “Adam’s Apple.”  Grammatical identify theft.  This must stop!

atoms apple Adam's Apple dumbest tweets

Wonder if I split this atom will it cause an explosion of apple sauce. I need answers!!!


As Luvvie continues to post more ridiculous Twitter hashtags, I will continue to post literal interpretations.  If there is one you would like to see, let me know!  I am always down for foolishness, but you already knew that!


Dumbest Tweets… Literally.

(Shouts to @LuvvieIg)

As you may well know, I am very much a Twitter addict.  It brings me joy to interact with some of the funniest and most intelligent folks n the Internet.  However, just like the real world, ignorance rears its ugly head.  You just can’t escape it.  My dear friend Luvvie chronicles these dumb tweets on her Tumblr blog, “Dumbest. Tweets. Ever.”  She features the purely rude butchering of my beloved English language.  One of her regular posts on this blog is an overview of all the butchered idioms and phrases.  I thought it would be lovely to show my literal interpretation via Photoshop of some of these.  Enjoy and make sure to visit the “Dumbest. Tweets. Ever.” blog early and often!  LEGGO (my Eggo)!


Someone tweeted this: #SequenceDresses, apparently they were trying to say “Sequin Dresses.”  But maybe they meant this:


sequence dresses

Apparently they wanted their dresses kept in order. This HAS to be what they meant.


Oh yeah, it gets worse.  Another tweet was: #Highgean, (also featured here), allegedly they meant hygiene, but I think possibly it could have been intended to mean this:



Sometimes that gean is so high that you can't reach it, you can just look at it...

Guess what?  It gets even worse than that!  In fact his tweet made me simultaneously laugh and weep.  Here it goes: #LackToastAndTallerAnts .  You give up on what that it is???  Lactose Intolerance… *deep sigh*  I think they maybe were trying to describe this scene:

It is a shame that mutant ants can't have toast to go with their coffee in the morning. That tweeter was just upset about this. Right? No. Oh.



As Luvvie continues to post more ridiculous Twitter hashtags, I will continue to post literal interpretations.  If there is one you would like to see, let me know!  I am always down for foolishness, but you already knew that!


The Simply Lemonade Chronicles

Simply Crack

liquid crack, yummy...

So me and my only friend under 18, Tee,  have frequent conversations on Google Chat.  Usually they start off pretty uninteresting, but somehow spiral into an abyss of foolishness.  good times…  It all started from an ignant exchange on twitter with some of my favorite buddies about the party on your palate called  Simply Lemonade.

(read from bottom to top)

Simply Lemonade Twitter conversation

So after this exchange Tee and I began to cut up:

Tee: I agree, because that lemonade is so good it should be illegal

me: yes indeedy!

Tee: Shoot, people would be losing their minds if simply orange/lemonade stopped making juice

me: me included!!!

Tee: I’d riot.
I’d be pulling off folks WIGS to get my fresh juice

me: I’d go to Simply Lemonade headquarters and do like $3 worth of damage in their lobby

Tee: lmfao. Cause I’d only break what I could afford to pay for.
Shoot, its a recession.

me: Ripping paper, lol

Tee: over use of staples

me: throwin paper clips in the air
Making it rain with paper clips, lol

Tee: Making coffee and using every sugar packet available

me: *DEAD*

Tee: Don’t lie. You know black people will use every sugar packet in sight if their sweet tea ain’t sweet

me: Eff yo creamer!

Tee: mhm. Lil Punk Coffee.
iont even drink coffee. but I’d drink some of theirs just to waste it.
I’d be licking envelopes.

me: ooooh, you gangsta

Tee: Mhm, Corporate America is bout to make me break out my THUG.

me: I would write with all the pens until they ran out
and just arbitrarily put Wite-Out on er’thing

Tee: We might have to stop soon. This list is getting pretty pricy

me: yeah, $5 is the limit

Tee: Maybe we ought to just go straight to the factory and take a couple of bottles.

me: that makes too much sense, there will be no logical protest

Tee: Mkay, well we could think up some elaborate plan.
We could use our amazing engrish skills to coax some Asian folks into teaching us how to be super ninjas.

me: log offa my gchat, lol

Tee: lmfao.
You know, I was a perfectly normal sense having child until that life altering night with you and luvvie.
me: lol

Tee: SMH. Ya’ll poisoning the youth.

me: yeah, me and Luvvie must be stopped

Tee: Well yah know I might just let ya’ll to criminals slide.
life without sense ain’t too bad.

me: it takes adjusting but you adapt

Tee: my transition was smooth. I think it was from all those years of my mamas foolishness.

me: part of your natural habitat

good times. See more exchanges with Tee and I here –> http://naturallyalise.com/blog/?tag=tee