Tag Archives: word of the day

All Words EVERYTHING! : defenestrate

I haven’t done a word of the day in a while and I know you all are deeply saddened and distraught; I know I would be. So your geeky fantasy (me) is here to bring you multiple nerdgasms and pleasurable things to that effect. I am aware of my “extraness,” it is part of my charm… or lack thereof. I digress. Not familiar with the Word of the Day challenge? Well, it is very easy. We will all make a sentence and/or haiku out of the word of the day. PLEASE feel free to be silly and ridiculous, but you don’t have to be. I like doing word of the day because it is a fun way to expand your vocabulary and sometimes your foolishness. I endorse both. Have fun! Today’s word is:




–verb (used with object), de·fen·es·trat·ed,de·fen·es·trat·ing.

to throw (a person or thing) out of a window.


50 Cent new hairstyle 2011 defenestrate

Fiddy, please defenestrate the Duke's texturizer kit immediately. Thanks, Management.

50 Cent should defenestrate his entire management and style team forthwith, they are not advising him well.  Bless his heart.

Your turn to make a sentence with defenestrate and  I am sure you can make one related to 50 Cent and his errant S-Curl.

All Words EVERYTHING!: doppelganger

I haven’t done a word of the day in a while and I know you all are deeply saddened and distraught; I know I would be. So your geeky fantasy (me) is here to bring you multiple nerdgasms and pleasurable things to that effect. I am aware of my “extraness,” it is part of my charm… or lack thereof. I digress. Not familiar with the Word of the Day challenge? Well, it is very easy. We will all make a sentence and/or haiku out of the word of the day. PLEASE feel free to be silly and ridiculous, but you don’t have to be. I like doing word of the day because it is a fun way to expand your vocabulary and sometimes your foolishness. I endorse both. Have fun! Today’s word is:

doppelganger –noun

  1. A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts such a person.
  2. An evil twin.
  3. A remarkably similar double.
  4. A person who has the same name as another.
  5. A fantastic monster that takes the forms of people, usually after killing them.
pigpen jim jones

Pigpen & Jim Jones: doppelgangers


I feel like my homies Luvvie and Cheekie are my spiritual doppelgangers when it comes to foolishness and nonsensical randomness.   You’re welcome.


All Words EVERYTHING! : soporific


bad date blah blah blah

lame with a side of soporific...

As you all know I am a big ol’ nerd. The biggest part of my “nerddom” is my love of words and reading. I thought it would be fun every day that (Monday-Friday) we should learn a new word or brush up on some old vocabulary we may have forgotten. I will present a word with its definition, then we will try to write the silliest most ridiculous sentences you can come up with. Foolishness and learning are a match made in hell heaven. Some days I may even write a silly haiku with the words. Please join in, I promise it will be loads of fun. So all my fellow nerds and clowns enjoy today’s word, by the way it doesn’t have to be silly…




[sop-uh-rif-ik, soh-puh-]  Show IPA


1. causing or tending to cause sleep.
2. pertaining to or characterized by sleep or sleepiness; sleepy;drowsy.




my sentence:


My last date could have gotten me into bed, but not the way he would have liked;  his soporific conversation made me want to take a nap.

All Words EVERYTHING!: prescience

As you all know I am a big ol’ nerd. The biggest part of my “nerddom” is my love of words and reading. I thought it would be fun every day that (Monday-Friday) we should learn a new word or brush up on some old vocabulary we may have forgotten. I will present a word with its definition, then we will try to write the silliest most ridiculous sentences you can come up with. Foolishness and learning are a match made in hell heaven. Some days I may even write a silly haiku with the words. Please join in, I promise it will be loads of fun. So all my fellow nerds and clowns enjoy today’s word, by the way it doesn’t have to be silly…


\ PREE-shuns; PREE-shee-uns; PRESH-uns; PRESH-ee-uns; PREE-see-uns; PRES-ee-uns \ ,
1. Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight.
— prescient adjective



Chris Brown with platinum blonde hair

Why Breezy? WHY???

my sentence:

I wish Chris Brown and/or his publicist would have had the prescience to pass on the ridiculousness of that blonde hair.

All Words EVERYTHING!: gimcrack

As you all know I am a big ol’ nerd. The biggest part of my “nerddom” is my love of words and reading. I thought it would be fun every day that (Monday-Friday) we should learn a new word or brush up on some old vocabulary we may have forgotten. I will present a word with its definition, then we will try to write the silliest most ridiculous sentences you can come up with. Foolishness and learning are a match made in hell heaven. Some days I may even write a silly haiku with the words. Please join in, I promise it will be loads of fun. So all my fellow nerds and clowns enjoy today’s word, by the way it doesn’t have to be silly…


\ JIM-krak \ , noun;
1. A showy but useless or worthless object; a gewgaw.

1. Tastelessly showy; cheap; gaudy.

Tears of a clown

I still don't like clowns though... but this illustrates my sentence pretty well... *shudders* creepy clowns...

mine today is poetic and slightly depressing instead of silly…

The toothy and goofy grin I sport

Is just a gimcrack facade

To hide the empty, worthless sadness I wear inside.

So now y’all write me something silly so I can cheer up!!!