Category Archives: General

“Love At First Bark” Review

love at first bark julie klam

Love at First Bark is as cute a read as the doggy on the cover 🙂


Love at First Bark” is  a really sweet collection of the author, Julie Klam‘s,  experiences with dog rescues (and in some cases mishaps and  escapades!).   This heart-warming little book is a quick and cute-as-a-button read.  I found myself laughing and fighting allergies crying  and starting to care about the dogs myself as I went through the book.  I thought it was incredibly cool that she was able to tell her life story through the dog rescues.  How creative a way is that to write a memoir?!   I would definitely recommend this well-written book to all ages whether you are an animal lover or not; There is something in it for everyone.  Make sure to visit the BlogHer Book Club page for Love at First Bark!


BlogHer Book Club Reviewer

I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.




Sisterhood of the Blogging Scarves…


Naturally Alise Scarf Scarves

It is me! All ready for Autumn. I like to say Autumn instead of Fall because it sounds fancier. Go on ahead and judge, I don't care.

Yes, the title is corny.  Sue me.  I am not a fasionista by any means.  However, I am an accesory lover.  Everthing from purses, belts, boots, scarves, to jewelry makes my life happy and wakens up my pretty boring outfits.  My favorite thing as of late is scarves and you know how I obsess about things.   Scarves aren’t just for keeping warm anymore.  They can be neck, shoulder, or hair accessories.  The more creative the use the better.  I asked my closest blogger friends to send me pictures of themselves in some of their scarves.  Check these gorgeous gals (and their blogs) out!


Nakia scarf scarves

Sunny gorgeous scarfs like Nakia's adds a pop of color to any outfit!


This is my frenemy Nakia;  She is the author of the fabulous personal  blog “Naked and Natural”  Isn’t she so pretty? (Don’t tell her I said that, I’ll never hear the end of it)


Luvvie scarf scarves

Luvvie's scarf puts the perfect finishing touch for a polished well put together look!


When asked for her scarf look, Luvvie said the following:

Wells you know I’m a HUGE scarf fiend. My neck don’t be without one in these winter months.

Nuff said!  Luvvie is one of my favorite people in real life and online, check out one of her plethora of blogs & projects:

Randomness –
Design/Portfolio –
DumbestTweets –


Cashawn PBG scarf scarves

This scarf elevates PBG's already sassy look! (WERK!)

Cashawn, aka The PBG, is my big sister in my head and a truly fantastic friend and blogger.  This Naturalista and Baby Whisperer extraordinaire wrtes the blog Dirty Pretty Thangs.  On Twitter she is @ThePBG!


Brandeyn beencee scarf scarves

Even my Cali homie Bee is all about a wonderful scarf! Cah-yute!

Brandelyn is a very close and dear friend of mine.  She is a published author, her latest book Dreams Are Not Concerned is available along with 3 other offerings at (Also available on Kindle and Nook).  Her website and blog is located at


Lauren livelovelibra  scarf scarves

A simple classic winter scarf gets the job done of adding a little style to your life! Hey Lauren, Hey!

Lauren is a new buddy of mine  from my D.C. crew who is a silly, fun, lunatic person.  She has an awesome blog called Life of A Libra!


Cheekie scarf scarves

A cool scarf can even make a t-shirt AND Cheekie look cute. Scarves make you look like you tried much harder than you really did!

Last and least (tee hee, I kid, I kid)  is my partner in GChat crime, Cheekie.  She is the author of the blog Pinch My Cheekie.  Here was what she wrote when she sent in her picture:

I just took a pic (or 15) of myself in my new favorite scarf. It’s an inifinity scarf I got from H&M recently and I love it! Also, I love the concept of infinity scarves because I love infinity. My favorite number is 8 (infinite swag digit), I love the phrase “To infinity and beyond” (Pixar standom showing), and I also love “The Circle of Life” (from the ultimate Disney movie, The Lion Kang) which never ends. I’m also rockin’ my Red Pump Project tee in this pic. *coughHeyLuvviecough*

Purses, Belts, Boots, Scarves and Bling – How can you bring your look to life with accessories?

See my answer here.

Also enter to win:  

Life Well Lived Moments Sweepstakes 3: Share A Moment and Enter to Win $250


By the way,  how do you think my homies look in their scarves?

Review of “How to be an American Housewife”

how to be an american housewife

interesting read...


I enjoyed reading How To Be an American Housewife, the latest slection I have read for the BlogHer Book Club.  The book’s author Margaret Dilloway writes well, imbuing her characters with an interesting voice. The characters are the center of this story and rightly so. Although the surprises and plot twists are revealed in the first section of the novel, the author creates such vivid, flawed, and human characters, especially the character of Shoko, that the reader is compelled to forge ahead.

The story is told in two voices, that of Shoko and of her daughter Suiko. It deftly explores the cultural divisions, and surprising similarities, between a mother and daughter who have grown up in two different worlds, WWII Japan and modern-day America. Shoko has worked hard to become as American a housewife as she can be, even referring to a handbook of the same title as the novel, while Suiko is disenchanted with her life as an American single mother. Excerpts from the handbook are presented as an organizing tool at the beginning of each chapter. Well worth reading, providing an interesting look into the intersection of Japanese and American cultures.



This was a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.

My Olay Adventure…

I was looking through some old pictures from high school and college and  I saw myself in various fun situations with long forgotten friends.  Even though those were some wonderful times, I wouldn’t go back to those times for anything.  Wait!  I lied.  It happens quarterly.  I actually did want one detail back: MY SKIN!  My complexion was to die for.  Okay, you may not have laid down your life, but I love hyperbole  AND my retro-skin.


As I have aged to 32 years young I have lost that effortless clear skin privilege.  I have struggled through hormone fluctuation, hirsutism, and excessive stress just to name a few.  Gone were the days of a little cold cream and out-the-door.  As of late I have had a bout with  acne that has seriously affected my “skin-confidence.”


Most people think of acne as a teenage skin problem, yet acne can continue through your adult years, especially in women.  Adult skin/acne is different than young skin, so treatment of acne needs to be different.  We deal with issues such as:

  • Hormonal fluctuations – Caused by menstruation, menopause, or stress can lead to breakouts
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) – Discolorations of the skin caused by acne lesions and severe or prolonged irritation from harsh acne treatments
  • Slower skin turnover – Makes facial skin susceptible to clogged pores and breakouts


Most acne products currently do not address the needs of more mature skin, so it felt only right to try a product specifically formulated for my age demographic to combat my newly found skin issues.  I tried the Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Line of products targeted especially for adult sufferers of acne about 2 weeks ago.   The first thing I liked about this system was that it was dummy-proof  with steps.  I definitely need steps because my attention span leaves much to be desired.  Here are the steps and my look at each one:

Olay Pro X Clear Professional

easy as 1, 2, 3...

  1. Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Pore Clarifying Cleanser — does not foam (which I know can bother some people), very soothing, not drying.
  2. Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Skin Clearing Treatment — absorbs into skin well, doesn’t burn. I have been following the directions on the package (use 1-3x a day) and only using it once a day because I think more than that would be too drying.  Another note, does have a slight smell to it.
  3. Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Complexion Renewing Lotion — I was surprised when I first used this and discovered it to be more of a serum as opposed to a traditional lotion. It isn’t greasy and does a good job of balancing out the treatment.



Before & After 2 weeks of use...

Within a two-week period I saw a definite change in my skin.  There was a decrease in blemishes and I also noticed that my skin was softer to the touch.  I also liked that it was not drying like many acne treatments tend to be.  In fact it moisturized without greasiness or heaviness.  I definitely intend to keep on using Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Line as part of my skin regimen going forward.


While we’re on the subject of taking care of your skin, you might want to check out this post by Roxanna Sarmiento in the Life Well Lived section of She has some great tips for developing habits that will help your skin looks its best!

Answer the following question to enter to win a $50 gift card from BlogHer and Olay Professional Pro-X Clear Line:

What changes have you seen in your skin as you’ve grown older?


No duplicate comments.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a)      Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b)      Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post

c)       Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post

d)      For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.


This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.

Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.

You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

Enter between October 3rd – November 3rd

Eff logic…



Why I hate social media when major events political and/or serious in nature occur:

fuck logic animated gif stick figure


  • conflicting “facts”
  • trying to argue/talk with people who don’t know basic government structure
  • opinions being designated as less important because you may have just learned about an event
  • being attacked for talking about lighter topics… not realizing some people deal with things differently or the fact that people are allowed to not care about the issues they choose
  •  folks thinking their opinion is the end-all be-all
  • comparison of loosely related events to prove already shaky and/or irrelevant points
  • people contradicting themselves within the same tweet/post
  • and then some people are just plain rude
woo-sah…  Just had to let that out, I am sure there are more.