I am not a fan of Claymation. Why am I talking about this? Well, I am gonna tell you in a minte. This is a blog you know, be patient. *Clears throat* Anyway, Google’s doodle for today was this scariness below:
Yes, the horror!!! And this Cheekie chick that I sometimes converse with against my will says:
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/pinchmycheekie/status/124122884208721920″]
And then me in all my all knowingness and wisdom say:
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/NaturallyAlise/status/124124472004452352″]
Then after some more characteristic slander by Cheekie we take it this far. She is such a habitual line-stepper.
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/NaturallyAlise/status/124133649582006273″]
Yeah, she always takes stuff way too far. I hate her. Anyway, I actually don’t know why Claymation creeps me out. I think it may be the choppiness of the movements. I think the disjointedness will magically pop out the screen and attack my unborn children. This makes sense in my mind. I also do not like the texture of clay, the way it feels and looks. Just one of those strange aversions. *shruglife* But just when I thought the Gumby/Claymation madness was over, here comes my “friend” Bee with some mess
Bee: Why am i over here watching old Gumby episodesAlise: I don’t effs with GumbyBee: …..Well, its been very nice knowing you: http://youtu.be/AhczFRlBT2EAlise: is that Claymation you are sending me?Bee: *whistles*Alise: not clicking shitBee: CLICK IT DAMNIT!Alise: *whistles*Bee:touche my friend, toucheAlise: i clicked it, you happy?
this is the link she sent. Rude.
I think Gumby weirds me out the most, but there are other Claymation figures that disturb me. Of course I will share:
You know I report the hard hitting issues.How do you feel about Claymation?