Maybe I am Negative Nancy this week because I am seriosuly irritated with everything. Today I am frustrated with a certain aspect of social media, particularly Twitter. I am sick of people thinking you can only be one way. Folks in these streets like “Eff a complex being!” They have signs and everything, not really, but they #minuswell. For example, today folks were talking about the alleged false separation story of Will and Jada Smith, and were getting bashed about that because they weren’t talking abut Libya and other major news stories. My immediate reaction:
[blackbirdpie url=”″]
So let me get this right, if I talk about gossip or doing hoodrat stuff with my friends I don’t care about the world. Also, we can only talk about frivolous things that you deem acceptable. Oh.
To other things let me tell you about this low IQ pal of mine named Cheekie, peep this conversation:
Cheekie: i’m done wif you
me: lies
roll the tube
stop being wasteful
Cheekie: i tell some semblance of the troof
me: if that helps you sleep at night
it that is what keeps your Circadian rhythms on beat
Cheekie: THOSE annoying things, and those mutant cicadas don’t know how to fly. brand new stranger bishes.
i wish i had a blog when they came here
me: aint nobody say nothing bout no cicadas
Cheekie: oh you said CIRcadian
puts deep-rooted issues in backburner
me: LMAO!!!! but i do share your disdain -_-
[blackbirdpie url=”″]
Thanks for bearing with this schizophrenic post. No DSM IV.
UGH. See I was about to comment on how I SO agree with your frustration with folks who say, “Why you ain’t talmbout [insert important thing here that is mainly use for fronting anyway]” when you’re speaking of frivolous things as if they can’t happen concurrently. Jigga WHOM?! Girl, bye.
But, I’m NOT gonna comment because you slandered (or libeled? I mean, it is written, not said… whatever) my name in the eStreets.
But, since I already done typed it out, I minus well…
Ugh, you win this round, Alice!!
Y’all two my favorite special people…
I hate when people shout about what everyone SHOULD be tweeting about. Bish, I use Twitter for entertainment, not to heal the world. Get off my back!