Category Archives: featured

Slang Fridays: “You don’t know my life!”

In the world of urban vernacular (that sounded fancy, didn’t it?) I hear a lot of phrases that my silly mind pictures literally.  Of course, the infamous Cheekie, of the blog  Pinch My Cheekie thought about these things literally as well.  I swear we hang out too much on Gchat together.  Anyway, we started talking about different mental pictures of the slang we hear and and I had the bright idea of photoshopping those mental images.  Of course we thought it was pure genius because we are a little bit touched in the head.  Don’t judge us!  Any-hoo here is the second installment, I will do one each Friday or more often if the spirit hits me!  Enjoy!

You don’t know my life!/ defense mechanism

a phrase used to defend an exceedingly trifling action


Alise: I think it is kind of messed up you cursed that nun out.

Shenehneh: I have bad history with religion.  YOU DON’T KNOW MY LIFE!!!

synonyms: You don’t even know nothing ’bout me!

you don't know my life

Boy: "So what, I don't even listen to Mary J. like that, YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!!!"

Past  Slang Fridays:

Spelling Gone Wild!

Now, I don’t claim to be the queen of spelling, but I very well may be the princess.  Now, first off, I would like to say,  I understand that everyone is not a good speller.  Hey there are some words that trip me up as well.  How the f*ck ever, some spelling mistakes are jut a reflection of lack of book learning as a priority.  I think if you read and see normal, regular words then you should remember how they look and avoid huge mistakes.  Yet, I have been seeing some hot messes on this here World Wide Web that make my left brain itch.  Since calamine lotion for the cranium hasn’t passed the FDA yet, I am thoroughly irritated.

My left brain is not having this!

The best examples of the stupid stank spelling (oooh alliteration!) that I encounter is on Twitter and Facebook.  In fact if you visit the site Dumbest Tweets (Run by the hilarious  Miss Zindzi and Luvvie)  you will see what I have to deal with on these e-streets as a social networking junkie.

This is the sign of the apocalypse, I put that on everything...

I bet some people have a red squiggly line show up under their images on pictures.  Yep, their whole life is a collection of misspelled scenes and experiences.

they should have never given me photoshop....

This just was weighing heavy on my spirit and I needed to vent.  Anyway, it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to… or something like that?  What spelling mistakes have you seen that just make you want to cuss out folks’ high schools that allowed them to graduate?

Spoken Word Updates

This Friday, February 25th I will be performing in the awesome event Erotic Pole-etry.  Yes, you read that right, it is the fusion of erotic poetry and pole dancing!  Owwwww!  The last event was such a success that there will be two installments, Friday night at 8:00 pm and Saturday at 9:00 pm.  Check out the flyer below for the address and more info if you are in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area.  Contact me at if you would like to purchase advance tickets:

Erotic Pole-etry

click to enlarge flyer

You might get to hear this this:

Also you guys, I would really appreciate your support of artist, Elliot Axiom’s push to make a holiday for spoken word artists called National Spoken Word Arts Day.  There is an online petition and we would appreciate if you would take a few minutes of your time to sign it.  I promise it is painless.

National Spoken Word Arts Day

Click to sign the petition

I appreciate all of my blog readers support and thanks always for reading!

Poetic Melodies: Me’Shell Ndegeocello

Me’Shell Ndegeocello

Me’Shell Ndegeocello


Today’s featured artist for Poetic Melodies is Me’Shell Ndegeocello. I have been a fan of hers for more years than I can remember and I have all her releases. She is often slept on and many don’t know the enormity of her talent. The sensuality and raw emotion in her music is not rivaled by many. Enjoy!

Me’Shell Ndegeocello: “Dredlocks”

As I bathe my body in the sun
In the land where life began stands a man
One with nature with his head held high
He never questions why
Together we make the fruit of life
So I love and treat him right
So rest you weary head and let me run my fingers through your dreds

Me’Shell Ndegeocello: “Bitter”

You push me away bitterly
My apologies fall on your deaf ears
You curse my name bitterly
And now your eyes they look at me bitterly

I stand ashamed amidst my foolish pride
‘Cause for us there’ll be no more
For us there’ll be no more
And now my eyes they look at you bitterly
Bitterly bitterly

Me’Shell Ndegeocello: “You Made a Fool of Me”

I want to kiss you
Does she want you with the pain that I do?
Can smell you in my dreams
And now when we’re face to face
You won’t look me in the eye
No time, no friendship, no love

Me’Shell Ndegeocello: “Outside Your Door”

Here I am waiting.
Just waiting.
Anticipating a chance to run into you.
I sit here for hours.
One day I even sat through a rain shower.
For just a glance.
A chance to talk to you.
You’re probably wondering how I even know you.
For now you’re just my dream.
And when I wake up I hope you talk to me.
Here I sit outside your door.
Talk to me.
I’d be content to just sit here and talk to you.
In my dreams you love me and me only.
The way you kiss and hold me.
Love is what I search and search to find.
But until then I’ll just dream for the meantime.

Me’Shell Ndegeocello: “Sweet Love”

Cry my tears by candlelight.
I’m just another lonely heart, here on a lonely night.
Screams of passions.
I call out your name making love to another.
Just to ease my pain.

Are you familiar with Me’Shell Ndegeocello’s music and if so what are some of your favorites?