Tag Archives: venting

Spelling Gone Wild!

Now, I don’t claim to be the queen of spelling, but I very well may be the princess.  Now, first off, I would like to say,  I understand that everyone is not a good speller.  Hey there are some words that trip me up as well.  How the f*ck ever, some spelling mistakes are jut a reflection of lack of book learning as a priority.  I think if you read and see normal, regular words then you should remember how they look and avoid huge mistakes.  Yet, I have been seeing some hot messes on this here World Wide Web that make my left brain itch.  Since calamine lotion for the cranium hasn’t passed the FDA yet, I am thoroughly irritated.

My left brain is not having this!

The best examples of the stupid stank spelling (oooh alliteration!) that I encounter is on Twitter and Facebook.  In fact if you visit the site Dumbest Tweets (Run by the hilarious  Miss Zindzi and Luvvie)  you will see what I have to deal with on these e-streets as a social networking junkie.

This is the sign of the apocalypse, I put that on everything...

I bet some people have a red squiggly line show up under their images on pictures.  Yep, their whole life is a collection of misspelled scenes and experiences.

they should have never given me photoshop....

This just was weighing heavy on my spirit and I needed to vent.  Anyway, it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to… or something like that?  What spelling mistakes have you seen that just make you want to cuss out folks’ high schools that allowed them to graduate?

Blog Poetry Slam 29: VENT!

This is the 29th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. Sometimes you get so angry you have to let it out in a poem, so I thought this week we should vent some frustration we have through poetry. I am interested to see what you can come up with….. Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me… I look forward to reading your poems in the comments, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it’s up to you! Happy Writing!

My vent to a spoken word host:

If by revolutionary you mean talking in circles
….and circumventing responsibility,
then by all means you are the spokesperson……
I ain’t buying the fight the power act…..

love, life, and loss…..
that’s what causes a creative commotion in my cranium

when pain permeates my person and pummels and pounds my peace

it is the real revolutions, revelations, and resolutions
that relieve my worries, weary, and woes
but hey that’s just me



I am irritated today. When I am irritated, mad, disappointed, or sad there are little things I do to calm myself, some of them quirky and some quite normal.

– fixate on one song and play it over and over, that calms me for some odd reason.
– write. write. write some more. and then write a little bit more for good measure.
rant with my IM Partner in (C)rhyme
– obsessively do crossword/logic/math/jigsaw puzzles, it takes me to another place that is based solely on logic and facts and is devoid of emotions, and since I am a beast at all four of those things it is also devoid of defeat or failure
-watch one of my 3 overwatched memorized movies obsessively (Five Heartbeats, Steel Magnolias, Shawshank Redemption)
– cozy up on the couch with a good book and some good wine (beer works too).

How about you?