Tag Archives: words

Spelling Gone Wild!

Now, I don’t claim to be the queen of spelling, but I very well may be the princess.  Now, first off, I would like to say,  I understand that everyone is not a good speller.  Hey there are some words that trip me up as well.  How the f*ck ever, some spelling mistakes are jut a reflection of lack of book learning as a priority.  I think if you read and see normal, regular words then you should remember how they look and avoid huge mistakes.  Yet, I have been seeing some hot messes on this here World Wide Web that make my left brain itch.  Since calamine lotion for the cranium hasn’t passed the FDA yet, I am thoroughly irritated.

My left brain is not having this!

The best examples of the stupid stank spelling (oooh alliteration!) that I encounter is on Twitter and Facebook.  In fact if you visit the site Dumbest Tweets (Run by the hilarious  Miss Zindzi and Luvvie)  you will see what I have to deal with on these e-streets as a social networking junkie.

This is the sign of the apocalypse, I put that on everything...

I bet some people have a red squiggly line show up under their images on pictures.  Yep, their whole life is a collection of misspelled scenes and experiences.

they should have never given me photoshop....

This just was weighing heavy on my spirit and I needed to vent.  Anyway, it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to… or something like that?  What spelling mistakes have you seen that just make you want to cuss out folks’ high schools that allowed them to graduate?

All Words EVERYTHING!: lickerish

As you all know I am a big ol’ nerd. The bigest part of my “nerddom” is my love of words and reading. I thought it would be fun every day that (Monday-Friday) we should learn a new word or brush up on some old vocabulary we may have forgotten. I will present a word with its definition, then we will try to write the silliest most ridiculous sentences you can come up with. Foolishness and learning are a match made in hell heaven. Some days I may even write a silly haiku with the words. Please join in, I promise it will be loads of fun.  So all my fellow nerds and clowns enjoy today’s word, by the way it doesn’t have to be silly….:


\ LIK-er-ish \  , adjective;

1. Fond of and eager for choice food.
2. Greedy; longing.
3. Lustful; lecherous.

black licorice cartoon

Black licorice does not evoke lickerish desires in my lifespace.

my sentence:

I have a lickerish,  gluttonous obsession with sushi, words, and men, not necessarily in that order.  However, I do not share the same lust for licorice*.
*Homonyms gone wild

Homonyms Gone Wild

Good day my tens of readers!  I have some very exciting news to share.  I am about to open an online school.  No, I have no teaching credentials.  No, I have no staff of people with teaching credentials.  No, I have no sense.  However, no special degree is needed for my little slice of Everest/Phoenix/Job Corps online.  In fact none of that is needed for my special school for the Homynym Challenged.

homonym madness

Hide "you're" wife! Hide "you're" kids!

What is Homynym challenged?  Here are some examples of the writing symptoms of this disease.  It’s  even in the DSM IV.  For real, it is…

  • I don’t no what I am going to where to the party.
  • Is Shaniqua going to?
  • I don’t no, we’ll see when we get they’re.
your is not equal to you're

That's some mighty fine math.

Do you know it was actually hard for my brain to commit to even writing these made up sentences?  The antibodies in my body attacked the bad grammar germ with ferocity.  See what I give of myself to keep you informed.  I am damn near a saint.   Yes, this is a mission from God or whoever you believe in.    These folks run rampant on social networking, and it is from all ages.  I just feel your grown, gainfully employed ass should know basic grammar, but maybe I am elitist like that.

mary j blige tweet

This never gets old...

Now there are some homonym situations that I give a pass.  effect/affect and whose/who’s , sometimes those can be tricky when you are tweeting half drunk (not that I know anything about that) or typing a little too fast.  I get that.  However, there is no excuse for messing up carat/carrot or disgust/discussed (yes I really did see this one, see how bad it is), gorilla/guerrilla, and so forth.  It depresses me.

What grammar and/or homonym madness have you encountered on the internet?

ever run out of words?

well i do…


I love words

Lust them even

But sometimes

And I must admit, most times

They’re not enough

Even for a poet

Because sometimes

The consonants ain’t hard enough

And the conjunctions

Just don’t


I have seen places and things

That nouns don’t dare tread

Where verbs

Stop in their tracks

And adjectives can’t even…

Describe themselves

And expletives are unheard whispers

That tell my secrets

There is so much to say

And no way to convey it

No sentences

Except the one I serve now

In solitary confinement

And the only visits are where I conjugate a noun/verb disagreement

Where my mind are at a loss

Where I can’t even cast a spell

For S-O-R-R-Y … T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U… L-O-V-E

The magic’s gone

Where strokes of the metaphor wands

Still leave empty pages


No words.