Tag Archives: life

GChat Philosophy

GChat Philosophy

Just thought I would share a GChat adventure with myself and that Cheekie chick who loiters my life, that stuck out in my head. I hate her, but I love her. Prince.

Enjoy our brand of philosophy:

boogie down productions my philosophy single

I think very deeply... (Cheekie, not so much)



me: girl I blinked for like an hour and a half
Cheekie: LMFAO
you’d lose at a staring contest
like epically
me:I’d win epically at naps doe
Cheekie: which is ultimately winning
it cancels out the losing
because it’s bi winning
I have no idea where I learned that math
me: Memba the Cosby show when Vanessa was tryna show Cliff “New Math”?
Cheekie: lol yeah
me: that’s how I feel about your math


Cheekie does her math on this... #fact


later that day…


Cheekie: my condolences
me: condole deez
Cheekie: lmfao, I SO wanna say that to someone one day
adds to bucket list
thanks for the inspiration
me: anytime
I have a bit of a philosophical question
or something likes that
Should you still be telling dead folks happy birthday?
and why do people say, “They had their whole life ahead of them”? Everyone does just different lengths of time, lol
Cheekie: LOL right
or how folks say “life is short” when it’s really the longest thing you’ll ever do lmao
me: pow!
shole is
Cheekie: I read that one time and was like… omg BAM
I cracked up for a few min.
but I stopped because life is short
had to move on to other things
me: life is short, the world is small, and condole deez
kinda like money, power, respect
it’s the key to life
no lox.*
no salmon.
something’s fishy, lol
maybe I should have slept one more hour, lol
Cheekie: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear that entire string of convo shoulda been on youtube

Lox – Money Power Respect ft lil kim by jekyllah

good times… also check out our Tumblr, Questionable Quotes

Bring in “Today” with Brandelyn Castine

Brandelyn Castine!

My buddy! (With her Simba hair,lol)

I can’t even begin to tell you the love and respect I have for my friend who will bless my blog with a guest poem today.  She goes my the alleged name of Brandelyn Castine and she is a fantastic poet, author, (published… fancy, huh?)and friend.  I really wanted to feature a poem by her to help celebrate National Poetry Month and to give her a little extra excited energy since she is releasing a new book very very soon!  To learn more about this amazing human being visit her website.   Here is her poem:

picture of a calendar

not yesterday. not tomorrow. but today.


Today i am immune to negativity
Immune to the concept that laughter is a foreign language
And joy can only be shaken forward through a forbidden tongue
Today i embrace the wind
The fragrance captured in the leaves
The orange tanginess of lemon drops
The moments smoky with soft kisses and stolen glances
Today i embrace the questions
And challenge the doubts
My head aches from over thinking the lines and rhythms and confines of this poem
Keeping me tucked away from the issues and shades of gray
Today over thinking is a mystery
And my hips are exactly the shape and size they should be
Because today, finally, i am walking in the fullness and liberty of joy
Yes today is my day
And i choose to believe
That i can fight and wrestle for my sunshine
And win
That i can catch it with both hands
Slide it into a quiet place
And sing sweet soft lullabies
Reminding it that happiness is ours
And we can play in this world we have created
For as long as we choose
Because in the land of today
The hands of the clock rest on satisfied and content
The breezes taste like cinnamon
And we lay here
Silently basking in this feeling
that goodness is real
And the moments that are being strung together
Will be captured on a canvas
Colors melting into the definition of


stripped… [updated]

A snippet of a much longer very personal piece I am working on…   feedback is appreciated…. [originally posted 9-21-10 will continue updating until “finished.” Bold lines are the latest updates]

stripped bare....

we have fucked without guilt

without enjoyment

with pain and pleasure

….and of course

the regrets.

the bruises of men’s kisses has stained our skin

like red Kool-Aid

fucking is something that has guided us gently to that stage

in ghastly makeup

a calculated touch

lascivious glares

blocked our growth as humans

turned us in reverse

so the longer we stayed in the biz

the faster we wanted to regress into babies

crying in our mother’s arms.

futile wishes for a return to innocence.

return to the arms of mother’s who hate us now

because they see their failure in our eyes

looking for non existent validation

leaning on imaginary shoulders

wondering why we hit the ground each time

well it’s hard to see reality through blackened third eyes

swollen from life’s hard knocks

so we continue to stumble blindly through this maze

littered with deferred dreams and potential

going in circles…

around hope.

around greatness.

around poles.


The past few months for me have been a whirlwind of loss and forced growth.  Loss of a relationship, loss of friends, loss of security… but a gain of a realization of strength.  This “poem”, well actually an IM chat copied verbatim, is dedicated to that.  Thanks for listening…

Brother, can you spare a dime or an ear?

this has been no walk in the park
no recess unfortunately
i am struggling
my soul is so much better for it
i feel like i am finally living authentically
albeit impoverished
things are turning around
slowly though
i have lost a handful of “friends” in the process
but amidst it all i am strangely happy-adjacent

apparently the currency for happiness

is sacrifice…