Category Archives: Slang Fridays

Questionable Quotes


Quotation marks "quote"

you can quote me...

No Slang Fridays today *insert sad pouting tantrum*, been a busy bee this week, hence the lack of posts.  However, I want to share with you some other foolishness I have in the works with my partners in ratchet crime: Beez and Cheekie.  We have created a Tumblr blog entitled “See What They Had Said…” (  The premise of the blog is to find crazy/silly/strange quotes and attribute them to someone who didn’t actually say them but somehow relates.  It sounds not quite right all written out, so I will show you a few examples me and the ladies have cooked up over the past couple weeks.  Good times.  Stop by some time and check us out!  Happy Friday!



Thomas Jefferson painting

from Beez...

“‘Cause I see some ladies tonight that should be havin’ my baby, baby…”

~Thomas Jefferson


national spelling bee scripps bee

from Cheekie...

“Reppin’ my town, when you see me you know everything black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow.”

~ The Scripps Bee


chef boyardee logo

from me...

“Real G’s move in silence like lasagna.”

~Chef Boyardee

Yep, basically some stone cold foolishness… just the way I like.  You can also submit your own questionable quotes here.   Next week I will be back with a fantastic Slang Friday that will surely not disappoint.  Enjoy your weekend!

Slang Fridays: “You don’t know my life!”

In the world of urban vernacular (that sounded fancy, didn’t it?) I hear a lot of phrases that my silly mind pictures literally.  Of course, the infamous Cheekie, of the blog  Pinch My Cheekie thought about these things literally as well.  I swear we hang out too much on Gchat together.  Anyway, we started talking about different mental pictures of the slang we hear and and I had the bright idea of photoshopping those mental images.  Of course we thought it was pure genius because we are a little bit touched in the head.  Don’t judge us!  Any-hoo here is the second installment, I will do one each Friday or more often if the spirit hits me!  Enjoy!

You don’t know my life!/ defense mechanism

a phrase used to defend an exceedingly trifling action


Alise: I think it is kind of messed up you cursed that nun out.

Shenehneh: I have bad history with religion.  YOU DON’T KNOW MY LIFE!!!

synonyms: You don’t even know nothing ’bout me!

you don't know my life

Boy: "So what, I don't even listen to Mary J. like that, YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!!!"

Past  Slang Fridays:

Slang Fridays: “I put that on everything”

In the world of urban vernacular (that sounded fancy, didn’t it?) I hear a lot of phrases that my silly mind pictures literally.  Of course, the infamous Cheekie, of the blog  Pinch My Cheekie thought about these things literally as well.  I swear we hang out too much on Gchat together.  Anyway, we started talking about different mental pictures of the slang we hear and and I had the bright idea of photoshopping those mental images.  Of course we thought it was pure genius because we are a little bit touched in the head.  Don’t judge us!  Any-hoo here is the first installment, I will do one each Friday or more often if the spirit hits me!  Enjoy!

I put that on everything!/ phrase

Expression signifying that what you are talking about is the absolute truth.  This phrase is usually used after a totally unbelivable lie and/or boast about what one USED to have.

synonyms: “I swear fo’ God!”

Put that on everything

The room I used to have looked just like that, I put that on everything!