Tag Archives: writer’s block

My book of rhymes…


I sat down today and started to attempt to do some writing. I drew a blank. So I decided to look through some of my old journals and pull out some “poem fragments” and make them whole. Well, that didn’t work either. It kind of put me in the mind of a Nas song titled “My Book of Rhymes” where he just makes a whole song of random entries in his rhyme book. So I decided on my blog today I will share some of the random fragments I found and post the song at the end. Enjoy (or not, lol):

from www.savagechickens.com ... funny stuff.

An indecent proposal
The huge rock you hand me resembles your heart
but shiny to the world
Intending to buy my love with fancy pebbles
As if your ring… rings true.

In this life
I feel like I am just passing through
Like all that used to matter
Matters no more
Some days I feel like I should end it all
Thinking no one will miss me
But I am even too scared to do that
Unfunny how that works
Life is strange that way
Death is too.

Stand up and be counted
Or sit down and be surmounted
Your story is worth being recounted

I stepped left from West Africa and right to the 13 colonies
Never missing a beat
My hips moved like the Diaspora to the sound of talking drums
Drowning out the crash of thunderous waves on the sides of slave ships
My hips can move the world clock forward
Inspire revolution
Each movement amended the Constitution
To make you a whole man.

I’m not mad anymore about what I’m going through
Just glad that I am going
Sometimes it just hurts when you are growing
So I will attack this situation like a stage… and GO IN!

Rain dancing….


quenching needed...


When I had been whacked with the woe of wicked writer’s block I got rid of it by writing about it, it seems counter-intuitive, but it worked. Stranger things have happened… enjoy:
Writer’s Block Haiku
Drought stealing my reign…
Are brainstorms in my forecast?
How about monsoons?
I have writer’s block
It challenged me to dig deep
Pen becomes shovel

I’m digging, I swear
But dry ground is hard to break
Time for sledgehammers
Feel free to add your own haiku as well!