Tag Archives: poem

Naturally Physics…

Physics, Alise and Cheekie style!

I was perusing my poems and some Cheekie chats and discovered I make a lot of physics references.  Now, I am not saying they are correct or sense-filled references, but references nonetheless.  Just wanted to share some random physics-minded things with you.  Enjoy:

picture of the sun

I am a ball of nonsensical energy and foolish reactions, kinda like the sun of fun. Oooh, that rhymed.

This is where I discuss the concept of foolishness inertia, it makes total sense.  Ok, it makes sense in my #CircusOlay (Cirque du Soleil) of of a brain.


Alise: he is all mushy and romantic
i aint, lol
i am a big ball of goofy and silly energy
pinchmycheekie: goofy and silly energy is where it’s at
i learned that in physics
Alise: An absurd thought in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force…. or a hater.
(I am such a dork)
pinchmycheekie: cackles
Alise: Foolishness Inertia. Getchu a piece. It tastes like chicken
pinchmycheekie: of course it does


This poem touches on some lovely physics as well.  Yes, Lovely Physics 101 was offered at my univeristy.  It’s like regular physics but fancier and more stylish.   Don’t be jealous:

physics shirt

In Lovely Physics 101 we wear fancy and nerdy tee shirts like this, because we are, ummmm.... fancy and nerdy...

my heart is on the floor
i wish someone could extract the gravity out of it
and transfer it to my feet
so i can finally stand
on solid ground
and maybe motivation
instead of  inertia
can keep me moving
past the pain
and I can take a step
from you.


Then of course I have a couple irreverent haiku dedicated to none other than Isaac Newton…

issac newton

Issac Newton: Don't act like his hair ain't luxurious when you know that it is!

i will not fall down

so i say f*ck gravity

inertia’s better


f*ck Isaac Newton

“discovered” the obvious

just like a damn man



Good times with physics, y’all know I love a theme!


this makes sense… (#1)

a poem a day for National Poetry Month: revisiting a poem post from 9/16/10 from my “this makes sense” series of random poetic musings, check out the entire series and tell me what ya think:



I just wrote this totally random poem.  It might not make sense, but I don’t think I particularly care.  It just was a stream of consciousness thing I had to get out.   Thanks for reading y’all, it means way more than I think any of you realize….

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells" Dr. Seuss


i believe in love


i’m pretty sure i hate everything

and i’m almost convinced


everything hates me

call me a cynic

but that’s not my name

yeah, i probably do hate everything

but i survive

on love

this makes sense

on some planet

where i fit in without changing

where my square pegness

fits into a divine round (w)holeness

where even my pessimism is hopeful

and imagination is my reality

where nothing makes sense

but everything does

and i can hate everything

and love you.

yes, this makes sense.



Make sure to check this one out too…  It is my second favorite in the series…

Patient Huddled Masses (poem)

Think about if you were the "retched refuse," use that as a point of reference when forming opinions about the "disenfranchised."

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

I enter the doors

Far from golden and the lamp’s been broken out

And I whisper to myself,

I hate waiting…

But you know that’s what you are going to have to do…
Because that’s the name of the room
Especially at the free health clinic

Sitting… waiting …Feeling sorry for the huddled masses

Until I remember I am one too.

Those thousand words change definition when you are in the picture

Charity redefines itself to pity from its true meaning of love when you are the recipient

I look around and see everyone reminding me of how broke I am
And how broken I am.

Thinking well it could be worse, but what do you say to someone when it really can’t be any worse.

What do you say to a soul that’s hit rock bottom?

What do you say to the soul of someone who’s hit the free health clinic

What do you say to us retched refuse who’s weak bodies have washed up on to the shore of a waiting room

I’m called a patient
But I don’t live up to my name

Frustrated and angry… but still

Waiting … But with appointments never kept

But I’m used to it because prosperity and wellness have repeatedly stood me up

Good health has never made a single date

So I sit waiting….

Yearning to breathe free

But it seems every tick-tock that the clock utters is 187 syllables long
Murdering my damn nerves singing duets with crying babies

In front of an orchestra of grandmother’s moans and downtrodden men’s coughs on percussion

This stress can’t be good for my condition…  or maybe it’s the cause

My body is weak from running in this vicious cycle

From waiting…..

but i continue to repeat:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the clinic door!”