Tag Archives: this makes sense

this makes sense… (#1)

a poem a day for National Poetry Month: revisiting a poem post from 9/16/10 from my “this makes sense” series of random poetic musings, check out the entire series and tell me what ya think:



I just wrote this totally random poem.  It might not make sense, but I don’t think I particularly care.  It just was a stream of consciousness thing I had to get out.   Thanks for reading y’all, it means way more than I think any of you realize….

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells" Dr. Seuss


i believe in love


i’m pretty sure i hate everything

and i’m almost convinced


everything hates me

call me a cynic

but that’s not my name

yeah, i probably do hate everything

but i survive

on love

this makes sense

on some planet

where i fit in without changing

where my square pegness

fits into a divine round (w)holeness

where even my pessimism is hopeful

and imagination is my reality

where nothing makes sense

but everything does

and i can hate everything

and love you.

yes, this makes sense.



Make sure to check this one out too…  It is my second favorite in the series…

Carlin Knows Best…

he's wise and sh*t too...

Some of the most profound advice doesn’t come from fancy experts with snazzy degrees on their well crafted office walls.  I have disovered some very helpful tips for living from comedians, especially George Carlin. (RIP) Don’t believe me?  Well, forget you check this out:

death, taxes, you ain't opting out of none of that sh*t...

Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.

So you are wondering what this has to do with anything. Sigh, y’all are slower than I thought. Basically, just realize that we are all going to inevitably die, so basically, deal with it. Seems simplistic and harsh, but life is usually lived a little better when you acccept that it will all come to an end at some point.  Cuts out on wasted time.

Image of a feather duster

futility is good exercise...

Dusting is a good example of the futility of trying to put things right. As soon as you dust, the fact of your next dusting has already been established.

Sometimes you have to realize that some battles are to never be won, and that  you are just doing them to maintain some semblance of “undustiness”/order.  Yeah, undustiness son!

thumb give peace a chance

love, peace and screwing... wait, what?

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Simply, choose you language and methods carefully, sometime that is the key to the failure of your cause or mission.

cute monkey cartoons cartoon monkey

watch yo back...

Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.

You can’t just fight your demons, you have to stay away from all of their kind.   Can’t kick a drug habit next door to the crack house.  Nah mean Pookie?

Anyone who says they don't care what people think is a liar

I'm just sayin'...

People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.

No explanation.  Just truth. Boom.

Also check out yesterday’s word of the day: All Words EVERYTHING!: inosculate, tell a friend…

sanity prayer, this makes sense.

I am going through some stuff, this is a bad thing.  I can’t stop writing & posting, this is a good thing.  Y’all might get sick of me this week, but these are my thoughts and I can’t control the speed at which they come:

chill pill for sanity

wish it were this easy... I am still waiting for the chill pill to get FDA approved.

hi my name is alise

i am bitter

*hi alise*

imaginary friend… grant me the sanity

to not kick him in the throat

the courage to feel my feelings

and the wisdom to get….

over it.

and make this make sense.
