Tag Archives: seismic activity

Seismic Syllables

An old poem I found that seemed earthquake appropriate:


earthquake seismic
earthquakes can be sexy though… read below:


Seismic syllables flowed from vocal chords …

As your lips parted,

And released a blast of energy

Passion reverberated within this Earth’s focus

Cracked the epicenter, broke through the surface

Revealing uncharted ground…

Exposing layers…

Shifting landscapes and perspectives…

Destroying the doubt that once was

Making the new me unrecognizable

Verbiage vibrating through my terra firma

Parlance setting forth heart palpitations and tremors

Tsunami flows of diction exposing all vulnerabilities…

Seismic syllables shaking up my world ……

Eagerly anticipating the aftershocks.


A continuation of this poem can be found here: Naturally Alise’s Blog Poetry Slam 2: Thirst