Tag Archives: revolution

love revolution… (poem)

I often hear people speak of revolution, but I always feel that is a such a broad word that often gets misconstrued, especially by poets. I think it means different things to different people and I think if we started defining what this even means then real change can occur. Check out my poem…

revolution spelled backwards

true story...

love revolution…

Some say that I am a love poet
I’m definitely not an over-analytical poet
Certainly not a political poet
Not a fight the power poet
Not talk you to death for an hour poet
But don’t you dare say I’m not a revolutionary poet
I don’t make conspiracy theories
Or talk about the government
But to me revolution
Is just evolution with an R
And I am steadily changing… growing… fighting

But if by revolutionary you mean talking in circles
….and circumventing responsibility,
then by all means you are the spokesperson……
I ain’t buying the fight the power act…..
love, life, and loss…..
that’s what causes a creative commotion in my cranium
when pain permeates my person and pummels and pounds my peace
it is the real revolutions, revelations, and resolutions
that relieve my worries, weary, and woes …
but hey that’s just me


Take a listen to a different version of this poem:

[iframe width=”400″ height=”100″ src=”http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/track=972486660/size=venti/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB”]

And you may think my logic is backwards, but revolution spelled backwards is n-o-i-t-u-LOVE-r, so love is inside of it, so I will write about it.

Blog Poetry Slam 48: Revolution

I often hear people speak of revolution, but I always feel that is a such a broad word that often gets misconstrued.  I think it means different things to different people and I think if we started defining what this even means then real change can occur.  This leads me to today’s topic, REVOLUTION.   I would love it everyone would attempt to write a poem about what revolution means to you or an example of revolution in your life.  Write your poem in the comments.  It can be long or short, serious or silly, even a haiku.  Here is my poem below:

Some say that I am a love poet
I’m definitely not an over-analytical poet
Certainly not a political poet
Not a fight the power poet
Not talk you to death for an hour poet
But don’t you dare say I’m not a revolutionary poet
I don’t make conspiracy theories
Or talk about the government
But to me revolution
Is just evolution with an R
And I am steadily changing… growing… fighting

But if by revolutionary you mean talking in circles
….and circumventing responsibility,
then by all means you are the spokesperson……
I ain’t buying the fight the power act…..
love, life, and loss…..
that’s what causes a creative commotion in my cranium
when pain permeates my person and pummels and pounds my peace
it is the real revolutions, revelations, and resolutions
that relieve my worries, weary, and woes …
but hey that’s just me