a poem a day for National Poetry Month: revisiting a poem post from 9/16/10 from my “this makes sense” series of random poetic musings, check out the entire series and tell me what ya think:
I just wrote this totally random poem. It might not make sense, but I don’t think I particularly care. It just was a stream of consciousness thing I had to get out. Thanks for reading y’all, it means way more than I think any of you realize….
i believe in love
i’m pretty sure i hate everything
and i’m almost convinced
everything hates me
call me a cynic
but that’s not my name
yeah, i probably do hate everything
but i survive
on love
this makes sense
on some planet
where i fit in without changing
where my square pegness
fits into a divine round (w)holeness
where even my pessimism is hopeful
and imagination is my reality
where nothing makes sense
but everything does
and i can hate everything
and love you.
yes, this makes sense.
Make sure to check this one out too… It is my second favorite in the series…