Tag Archives: le sigh

Le sigh…

Angry Panda Smash Animated Gif

This is how I feel when I log on to GChat this week.

So my chat buddy and partner in foolish crime, Cheekie,  is in Cancun this week, so I miss her a little eBit.   (read: a lot), but don’t tell her I said that.  I have a reputation to uphold. I decided to share a quick chat to get my fix of foolishness for the week *cries and twitches in the corner*   Le sigh.


me: My Cheekeh!!!
Cheekie: wayment… you bought me? well, for how much?
me: for 3 shillings
Cheekie: tries to do math in head
ah well, that sounds good
me: probably like half a cent
which was too much if ya ask me
Cheekie: .____O
inflation probably
me: one eye, this is why i bargain shopped
i’m a faulty item
me: you are a not-nice thing that can’t have nice things
Cheekie: which is pretty consistent
it makes sense mathematically
me: that is why i bought ya, consistency
Cheekie: i don’t have much sense and i’m not worth much cents
me: full circle
per usual

bad day…

My birthday was extra super sucky so I decided to repost this poem…

alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day

I feel ya Alex... I really do.

bad day

so i woke up this coffee
took a quick morning
and drank a weak ass cup of shower
yeah, this day is going straight to wall
the writing’s on the hell
and i can’t read it
because apparently insomnia causes dyslexia
i would say i woke up on the wrong side of the bed
but that would require sleeping
and even when i do sleep
i wish i was waking up on the wrong side
of his bed
then maybe
i could get:
but wishful thinking leads
to overthinking
and all that thinking
is why i can’t sleep.
vicious cycles
are 360 degrees of fuckery
and i am tired
of spinning.
i’d rather be falling…

scary @ me: the final thought.

a poem a day for National Poetry Month … Throwback poem from 12/18/2008, almost forgot about it… hope you enjoy:


I am afraid of nothing

lies. propaganda. fabrications.

Well, this is the exciting season finale of “Scary @ Me”, enjoy……

scary @ me©*

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain’t good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don’t be rhyming
and at times I’m off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don’t want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly…

can you hand me your heart a pen?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can’t refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control…..

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
i don’t want to crash
or get caught speeding
or change lanes too fast
and have my creative license revoked

but i think
i wanna write a love blog
but i am afraid
what if no one reads it
and doesn’t subscribe to my feelings
and makes no comments
after i put my heart into it


Check out the entire process!


The Cramp Chronicles… revisted (every month)

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/NaturallyAlise/status/19532807298613249″]

By the way they are legal to OWN, not to use or carry… dangit…  If you wonder why I am slightly on edge and asking stuff like this then read this oldie but goodie post from 8/7/09 ….

If I see Mother Nature on the streets I’m fighting her on site…
Trip her up and bust her head to the white meat!
Alise: I’ll kick her in her stupid legs, her stupid arms, and her stupid head, lol

scary ain't it?

Today I am having the period from the Dereon Pits of Hell (c) Luvvie , My cramps are killing me not so softly, so I had a bit of a tantrum on twitter today, I’m allowed… It also reminded me of an old Luvvie post called Fighting Eve…. check it out!

If cramps were a mythical beast I would slay it….
If cramps were G-Money I’d Nino Brown them…
If cramps were Lil Wayne I’d beat ’em like a cop…
If cramps were a knee I’d Drake them…
If cramps were an ear I’d Tyson it…

If cramps were a career I’d Diddy them..

These cramps are so bad I would wear a head to toe Dereon outfit if that would make them stop..
If cramps were childhood innocence I’d Joe Jackson them…
If cramps were a hiphop track I’d murder it..
If cramps were Luvvie’s hair I’d put it out of its misery…
If cramps were high fashion I’d Dereon them…
These cramps got me feeling weepier than T.O. cutting onions…
If cramps were a hot playlist I’d Plies them…
If cramps were dignity, respect, and pride I’d Gucci Mane them…
I think my cramps just tried to kick in my door waving the .44…. not nice. not nice at all…
If cramps were web browsing I’d IE them…

My buddy LDot on twitter even added his two cents:

Ldot @NaturallyAlise I got one for you…. If cramps were Ja Rule you’d 50 Cent them…

adventures in (f)unemployment, pt. 1

During my adventures in(f)unemployment I have had to become very humble. I have been eating pride like I used to eat sushi pre-broke days. Mmmm sushi, miss that. Now, I never was making 6 figures living like Jorge y Louisa on the Eastside, but life was fairly comfortable. One thing I used to have that I valued was health insurance. Yup, good ol’ coverage. Now, I must now go to the community health clinic. Yes, “da clinic”. Good times. I even wrote a poem about an extremely frustrating clinic day (patient…) I hate the waiting and sometimes disorganization but there are actually are some great things about “da clinic” I go to:

It is free for me. I have no money, so free is a wonderful thing. Free makes me happy. Free is my friend. Me and free go waaaaaaay back.

The doctors really care. I actually have gotten better care for a chronic illness that I have than I did going to regular doctors. My current doctor finds creative ways for me to get free or reduced priced medications, hooked me up with specialists that do pro-bono work, and actually calls me periodically to check up on me. Maybe I lucked up on this doctor, but after seeing scores of doctors in the private sector I have never had anything remotely as wonderful.

Even for people that have to pay they still will see you whether you have a dime or not, or how much you owe. The same applies to the pharmacy.

In these days of health-care inadequacy, it is nice to see a sparkle of light in “da clinic” experience. These days, I’ll take my light how I can get it… sigh…