Tag Archives: jill scott

Hairbrushes, Mics, and Things…


hairbrush mic microphone

true story...

As y’all have probably figured out, I am a music fiend (it’s like the lyrics be calling me à la Pookie/Tyrone Biggums/K-Ci). I just wanted to share some of my favorite hairbrush mic songs… you know the songs that you grab the nearest object in sight to be your microphone. These songs make me sublimely happy  and overzealous with my performance.   I promise it would bring you much joy to see me perform them live.  Promise.

miki howard album cover

"The closed sign on my door, I had to tearrrrr it downnnnn..."

“Love Under New Management” – Miki Howard

I actually do lead AND backup WITH commentary for the whole song including where Miki gets to talking at the end of the song.  This is truly a treat/spectacle.


janelle monae arch android cover

"Sufferin' in sinking sand, all the hurrrrrrt..."

  Janelle Monae – Oh, Maker

Oh how I love this weird little song by the even weirder Janelle Monae.  I go all the way in when singing this song.  I get emotional and everything, it will probably bring you to tears (of laughter).


bilal first born second

"How do you runnnnnn this race, and never looooooose your pace...."

“Queen of Sanity” Bilal Queen of Sanity

Another weird little song by a weird singer that is made for dramatics.  In fact, if you don not sing this song dramatically I question the existence of your soul and your credibility.

Here are a few more Hairbrush Mic Classics of mine:

“Whenever You’re Around” Jill Scott


 “Everything She Wants” George Michael (Wham!)

01 Everything She Wants

“Fairy Tales” Anita Baker

09 Fairy Tales

What are YOUR hairbrush mic songs?

Poetic Melodies… on repeat

music notes

music, my one true love...

music is like Lays
i can’t just listen to one
good shit on repeat

I have certain songs of that I will put on repeat or keep playing one part over and over again.  There seems to be certain songs in general that just touch a place in my soul or speak to a situation I am going through. What songs have  you played to death lately? These are mine: