Tag Archives: General

And Nikki says…

What is love? People try to define it, or doubt or ridicule whether others are really “in it”. Well, Nikki (that’s what I call her, we have an imaginary friendship in my head, don’t judge me…) described love, what is love to you?

Love Is

Some people forget that love is
tucking you in and kissing you
“Good night”
no matter how young or old you are

Some people don’t remember that
love is
listening and laughing and asking
no matter what your age

Few recognize that love is
commitment, responsibility
no fun at all

Love is
You and me

-Nikki Giovanni

how to deal with me… part 1

deal with me... if you dare...

I was thinking today about my bouts throughout my life with depression and with just general sadness, grief, or even anger. One thing that stuck out to me is people saying or doing the wrong things. An important part of someone’s coping with depression or a sadness is the support of family and friends. Note that I said SUPPORT. A lot of times people think that their words or actions are supportive but actually are the antithesis. I cannot speak for every person, but here is what NOT to do for me when I am going through something or feeling “some kinda way.”

Never tell me not to cry. This is in essence invalidating my emotions and my expression. Believe me, that will not improve the situation. Instead, just hand me a tissue, hug me, or or just make your calm state be contagious, but never dictate to me how I can release if it is not hurting anyone. Now if I start kicking and punching walls, handle that. Not that I’ve done anything like that before  *straight face* (I don’t even believe that, lol).

I would never kick or punch a wall... you don't believe that either, do you?

Never spout platitudes and cliches at me while I am in an actively distressed state.  It will instantly, while in my slightly delusional frame of mind, make me think you are patonizing me.  I tend to overthink things when I am …. ummm… okay, I always overthink things.  This is the curse gift and the curse.  In fact this makes me think of lines I have in a poem of mine:

And folks have the nerve to tell me how I should feel

Cliches being thrown at me

Kind of like a life’s a bitch martyr

Oh yeah, never tell me how I SHOULD feel.  Such as, “Don’t be mad,” “Don’t be sad,” “This ain’t worth it,” etc.  Everyone has a right to their reactions to a situation.  Usually any irrational feelings will work themselves out once you have time to process a whole situation.  Usually this  can happen if the person is allowed to talk their feelings out in a safe feeling environment.

The More You Know rainbow

Have you taken all of that in?

So you wonder the what you should say or do.  For me: just listen, let me get it out.  Then when I have calmed down (which I will do) just  ask me, “Do you want to talk about?  Do you want my advice?”  If I say no, don’t.  If I say yes, do.  Just be there.  Simple as that.

Go Joe!

Just being there is half the battle. (Go Joe!)

adventures in (f)unemployment, pt. 1

During my adventures in(f)unemployment I have had to become very humble. I have been eating pride like I used to eat sushi pre-broke days. Mmmm sushi, miss that. Now, I never was making 6 figures living like Jorge y Louisa on the Eastside, but life was fairly comfortable. One thing I used to have that I valued was health insurance. Yup, good ol’ coverage. Now, I must now go to the community health clinic. Yes, “da clinic”. Good times. I even wrote a poem about an extremely frustrating clinic day (patient…) I hate the waiting and sometimes disorganization but there are actually are some great things about “da clinic” I go to:

It is free for me. I have no money, so free is a wonderful thing. Free makes me happy. Free is my friend. Me and free go waaaaaaay back.

The doctors really care. I actually have gotten better care for a chronic illness that I have than I did going to regular doctors. My current doctor finds creative ways for me to get free or reduced priced medications, hooked me up with specialists that do pro-bono work, and actually calls me periodically to check up on me. Maybe I lucked up on this doctor, but after seeing scores of doctors in the private sector I have never had anything remotely as wonderful.

Even for people that have to pay they still will see you whether you have a dime or not, or how much you owe. The same applies to the pharmacy.

In these days of health-care inadequacy, it is nice to see a sparkle of light in “da clinic” experience. These days, I’ll take my light how I can get it… sigh…


I am feeling sexy today… (kinda like everyday… POW!)

the olfactory sensation
of your natural scent
led my descent into dirty thoughts
of things I ought
i fought my lust
and lost
with flying colors
and that was quite a feat
and I never knew defeat
could smell…
so good