Tag Archives: blog poetry slam

Blog Poetry Slam 23: Silence

This is the 23rd installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought maybe today we can write poems about silence. Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me… I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it’s up to you! Happy Writing!

i hate…
i don’t want to hear
memories then have my undivided attention
nothing to drown out the incessant firing of synapses
playing target practice with my pain.

so turn the music up.

your turn…
glass of water in the desert

Naturally Alise’s Blog Poetry Slam 2: Thirst

Welcome to the second blog poetry slam hosted by myself, Naturally Alise. The last slam was bananas!!! I was overjoyed with the participation, the variety and quality of the poetry that was produced. I felt so proud to be surrounded by such greatness! Any-hoo, today’s word/theme is:


glass of water in the desert thirst poetry

got water?

Below will be a poem I already have to give you an example of what to do, I will join you guys in the comments with a new piece. I can’t wait to see the responses!!!

I nearly slid on your cunning linguistics
Every syllable whet my desire for each word to come
Oh yes, I was intrigued by your flow…
Or should I say I was impressed with the fluidity of your passionate parlance Riding at the crest of your high tide,
Intoxicated from your moon shining on me,
The gravity of your speech pulling waves of passion through my inner ear Crashing onto my desert island shore
Syllables ebbing and flowing on my memory banks,
Irrigating my inspiration…
I think I now have found my lyrical oasis
Quenching my thirst for poetry.

Blog Poetry Slam 1

Hello all my readers and also to fellow poets! I want to try something to bring a little fun and interaction/networking of poets on the blogosphere. Every Tuesday I will put up a topic, word, or picture. Then I would like all the poets (well everyone actually) to pen a verse or two or ten of poetry about the particular subject. You can go in any kind of direction from the topic you see fit. It will be a good way to exercise your writing muscles and also to enjoy the work of others. Also feel free to drop the links to your blogs or websites so we can all get to know each other. Also, drop me emails to suggest topics or pictures. So, I will start off with today’s topic with a piece I already have written, I will write a new one in the comments with you guys, just wanted to give you an idea of the concept:



black woman sleeping poetry

I envy her.

I never sleep anymore.
Always wide awake and aware,
Luckily I dream with 3 eyes open
Fixed on magnificent endeavors
Can’t have my dreams slept on…
Anyway how ya gonna fight life’s battles with pajamas on?

Your turn! I can’t wait to read everyone’s poetry!