scary @ me©

scary @ me

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain’t good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don’t be rhyming
and at times I’m off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don’t want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly…

can you hand me your heart a pen?

*scary @ me: a term coined by my e-sister PBG meaning I am scared of ________.

4 thoughts on “scary @ me©”

  1. Oh, Alise…this was so beautiful! It got me a lil’ misty when I read it cuz I know this kinda “scary @ me”. Good job.

  2. Loved it. I feel like this alot when I try to write poetry. Thank goodness most of the folks I share it with dont know too much about the difference between good and bad poetry lmao

  3. Thanks PBG & Suga, the thing is the poem (well this is just the beginning) is a double meaning for being scared of love as well, especially the second stanza, with the whole changing my style part… thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. uhm, tapping my foot and waiting for the love poem…

    Really– I want to tell you to get over yourself and write the poem (but I don’t think I can talk to you like that yet) and another part of my wants to hug you and say in my mama voice, ” Of course you are good enough, no one alliterates like naturally alise :)so go ahead and write something, babe.”

    But in the end, it all come out as, girl, you can write your ass off. So you betta put the pen to paper or fingers to keys or however you do it.

    And make a tennis shoe and just f-ing do it!

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