Ron Jolla – Guest Poet Mondays

Every Monday I will feature a guest poet on the blog.  If you would like to submit a poem please send it to   Today’s guest poet is Ron Jolla.  He is no stranger to this blog, see his past work here:  Also visit his tumblr blog: the shorter version.

I never thought about writing

in an attempt to honor thy father…

I rather chose to tackle topics

battling my inner demons,

or what my heart’s feeling…

It never occurred to take time out

to present him with my poetic flowers

in both phonetic & written dialect

so his eyes and ears could smell them.

My father is the reason I exist.

A lot of my ways I get honest,

handed down to me directly…

from a proud family man

who guided & shaped my life

until I no longer held his hand…

and even then, he remained.

There are countless women I’ve encountered

who would probably wish to thank him…

because he was the father in power

A gentleman that showed me how to be one.

And for those women whom I’ve made mad,

that was all me; he had no hand in that.

For those whom I’ve lent time, money & my ears,

he is who has shown me selflessness thru the years.

Aristotle calls it virtue…

living in a way to become a hero,

an admirable individual, a saint,

so one’s life becomes a work of art.

Hundreds of people arrived on March 4th,

to take a final glance at the artist…

whom had finally ceased creating

beautiful, graceful & impactful art

that we refer to as his life.

And that was the grandest picture

that these eyes have ever witnessed.

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