Peeves of a Pet Nature


pulling hair out afro
Actual photo of me pulling out my beloved fro. My hair will never have nice things and neither will I if I never find a full time job.

I have been a slack and bad blogger as of late.  I kinda sorta apologize, but not really.  Dang, I am grumpy, ain’t I?  Not that it is any of your business, but I am grumpy for a couple of reasons.  First off, I am missing Washington, DC and my buddy Cashawn (Blog forthcoming, don’t hold your breath though or you may end up looking like this.  Secondly, I am highly frustrated with what seems to be an eternal job search.  I have been unemployed for a while now and job hunting has peeved all my pets…  even my pet Sloth and Greed. (that is a reference to a goofy chat with me and Cheekie, you should read it)  Here are some of my biggest job hunt pet peeves:

online job application

online job applications, technology I could have done without.

  • Most online applications drive me nuts.  However, it is not the actual filling out of these applications that drives me crazy, even though they are slightly tedious;  It is the fact that you also upload your resume.  It just seems redundant and sadist to an already disgruntled non-worker.  The last application I filled out I would have banged my head repeatedly against my laptop screen but I am too broke to replace it so I digressed.
job scams

get out of my email!!!

  • The scam jobs and sales jobs that find their way into my inbox can leave this planet right now.  The only thing about these jobs that piss me off is the insult on my intelligence.  Yeah, I really believe this job is real with 20 typos in one paragraph and home office in Timbuktu somewhere.  Stop it.
the word no

how hard is this little word?

  • Lack of communication about jobs makes me crazy.  Sometimes I just need to know it is a NO.  I am a big girl, I can deal with it.  A simple email will do.  That feeling of limbo after submitting an application or even interviewing is a horrible feeling.  I do know that recruiters and HR persons have a huge influx of applications and even sometimes interviewees, but cut a sister a slice of courtesy, it is always in season.
What are some of job hunt woes, worries, and wackness you have faced?

4 thoughts on “Peeves of a Pet Nature”

  1. “peeved all my pets” is the best thing to happen to the English language since Wacka Flocka Flame. o_O

    “Lack of communication about jobs makes me crazy.”

    YES. This irks me more than anything. I HATE being in “job application limbo.” Gives me a false hope that there is still a chance… well, until it takes too long and then I’m left pissed that they didn’t just respond. I mean, they expect us to write generic arse thank you letters after an interview and whatnot, but ya’ll hussies can’t send me a rejection letter template? Girl, bye.

  2. you mentioned everything on my list. i had to tell my husband not to “let” me check my professional e-mail anymore because, frankly, i can’t stand the drama/anxiety. here’s hoping this is my last year of unemployment.

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