Category Archives: Poetry

bad day…

My birthday was extra super sucky so I decided to repost this poem…

alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day

I feel ya Alex... I really do.

bad day

so i woke up this coffee
took a quick morning
and drank a weak ass cup of shower
yeah, this day is going straight to wall
the writing’s on the hell
and i can’t read it
because apparently insomnia causes dyslexia
i would say i woke up on the wrong side of the bed
but that would require sleeping
and even when i do sleep
i wish i was waking up on the wrong side
of his bed
then maybe
i could get:
but wishful thinking leads
to overthinking
and all that thinking
is why i can’t sleep.
vicious cycles
are 360 degrees of fuckery
and i am tired
of spinning.
i’d rather be falling…

stripped… final product

a poem a day for National Poetry Month, a VERY personal piece from 10/9/2010


To see the progression of the poem I am going to present go to stripped… [updated], I have finally finished this piece.  It was incredibly hard to write, but I needed to get it out, the same way I thankfully (and quickly) got out of the subject matter.  Sometimes long repressed skeletons in closets have a way of forcing the pen.  Tricky little bastards.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and I will be toiling away to memorize it so you may see it on a stage near you.  That kind of stage activity is way better than the long ago alternative.


Scarlet Letter A

you don't have to wear it...



we have fucked without guilt
without enjoyment
with pain and pleasure
….and of course
with regrets.

the bruises of men’s kisses has stained our skin
like red Kool-Aid
hand-prints etching a scarlet A on our dermis
to match the scars on our hearts

fucking is something that has guided us gently to that stage
in ghastly makeup
a calculated touch
looking straight through us like the clear heels
that make us stand tall as trees
but the fruit is rotten
fermenting to intoxicate us
so we can even stand this.

lascivious glares
blocked our growth as humans
turned us in reverse
so the longer we stayed in the biz
the faster we wanted to regress into babies
crying in our mother’s arms.
With futile wishes for a return to innocence.
Hoping to return to the arms of mother’s who hate us now
because they see their failure in our eyes
looking for non existent validation
leaning on imaginary shoulders
wondering why we hit the ground each time
well it’s hard to see reality through blackened third eyes
swollen from life’s hard knocks

so we continue to stumble blindly through this maze
littered with deferred dreams and potential
going in circles…
around hope.
around greatness.
around poles.

Sliding down them
But this ain’t no firehouse
but there damn sure is an emergency
in this smoky club
because where there is smoke there is fire
and the burning of dignity is a 5-alarmer
but no one is rushing to save us
just to pay us
for our priceless goods.

Bring in “Today” with Brandelyn Castine

Brandelyn Castine!

My buddy! (With her Simba hair,lol)

I can’t even begin to tell you the love and respect I have for my friend who will bless my blog with a guest poem today.  She goes my the alleged name of Brandelyn Castine and she is a fantastic poet, author, (published… fancy, huh?)and friend.  I really wanted to feature a poem by her to help celebrate National Poetry Month and to give her a little extra excited energy since she is releasing a new book very very soon!  To learn more about this amazing human being visit her website.   Here is her poem:

picture of a calendar

not yesterday. not tomorrow. but today.


Today i am immune to negativity
Immune to the concept that laughter is a foreign language
And joy can only be shaken forward through a forbidden tongue
Today i embrace the wind
The fragrance captured in the leaves
The orange tanginess of lemon drops
The moments smoky with soft kisses and stolen glances
Today i embrace the questions
And challenge the doubts
My head aches from over thinking the lines and rhythms and confines of this poem
Keeping me tucked away from the issues and shades of gray
Today over thinking is a mystery
And my hips are exactly the shape and size they should be
Because today, finally, i am walking in the fullness and liberty of joy
Yes today is my day
And i choose to believe
That i can fight and wrestle for my sunshine
And win
That i can catch it with both hands
Slide it into a quiet place
And sing sweet soft lullabies
Reminding it that happiness is ours
And we can play in this world we have created
For as long as we choose
Because in the land of today
The hands of the clock rest on satisfied and content
The breezes taste like cinnamon
And we lay here
Silently basking in this feeling
that goodness is real
And the moments that are being strung together
Will be captured on a canvas
Colors melting into the definition of


scary @ me: the final thought.

a poem a day for National Poetry Month … Throwback poem from 12/18/2008, almost forgot about it… hope you enjoy:


I am afraid of nothing

lies. propaganda. fabrications.

Well, this is the exciting season finale of “Scary @ Me”, enjoy……

scary @ me©*

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain’t good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don’t be rhyming
and at times I’m off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don’t want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly…

can you hand me your heart a pen?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can’t refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control…..

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
i don’t want to crash
or get caught speeding
or change lanes too fast
and have my creative license revoked

but i think
i wanna write a love blog
but i am afraid
what if no one reads it
and doesn’t subscribe to my feelings
and makes no comments
after i put my heart into it


Check out the entire process!